Lights To Go opened to supply the need, and finally our website allowed us to take our product nationwide.
In 1992, a friend of Bill Andreas purchased five surplus traffic lights. These lights were removed from service and had wires still hanging out of them. Bill wanted to hang one in his basement pool room, but he also wanted it to light up and work like it should. Extensive searching yielded nothing in the way of practical solutions—there were no off-the-shelf solutions.
He needed a simple, reliable, compact, and low-cost design. That’s where we came in. Our first generation units were built in 1992 and installed in the five lights. They exceeded all expectations. By the mid 1990s, many older incandescent signals were being replaced with LEDs, and there were many signal heads on the surplus market. Most people wanted their traffic light to work like it would on the street. Word spread, and we received inquiries from across the US and Canada. Word also spread among collectors, and soon we were supplying hundreds per year.
Into the 2000s and beyond, Lights To Go continues to supply LED traffic lights and controls all over North America and many other parts of the world. We still work with the man-cave crowd all the way up to Fortune 500 companies, the Federal Government, and even Hollywood movie studios. We’ve partnered with many companies who spec out our HP200 lights for their own products and applications. It is not uncommon for electrical contractors nationwide to install our lights and controls in many different applications. Whether you are a hobbyist, a small city in need of some traffic lights, or you have a manufacturing or industrial application, Lights To Go can help!
Lights To Go opened to supply the need, and finally our website allowed us to take our product nationwide.
Began retailing new traffic signals to allow us to better serve our expanding customer base.
Began offering four-way controllers for decorative demo/simulation use.
Offered the first remote control safety light system specifically for the industry.
Our model T3 traffic light control was released and changed the business in reliability and simplicity.
Lights To Go moved to a larger 4800 sq. ft. commercial facility in Rose Hill, Kansas, where we could provide complete custom traffic signal systems for individuals, businesses, and industry.
RCXT Technology helped Lights To Go into the custom control arena for longer range applications.
The new RCN3 controller was developed, replacing the popular RC3 with newer technology that allows for more features and a longer range of operation. It has since become one of our most popular products.
We developed long range products with LORA technology and replaced the RCXT. This technology has allowed us to bring truly extended range capability to our customers through custom control cabinets—now with a range up to 2 miles.
2018 was a busy year! Lights To Go also debuted the AF1039L, an encapsulated, panel mount, industrial flasher with a fixed flash rate of 56FPM. It has become a hot seller. Also debuting was the RRFB, the Rapid Flashing Beacon flasher used at pedestrian crossings nationwide.
Lights To Go continues to develop new technology in controls, including the triplexor and the MSLC, the modular single lane control used for temporary highway/roadway lane closures or anywhere single lane two-way traffic is possible.
Many of our custom controls are now becoming off-the-shelf solutions!